What is in Soil?
It's not our objective to delve into every facet of plant growth but concentrate on what happens below the surface. First let's examine the soil. If you were to scoop up a handful of soil, contained within your hand would be several billion tiny little things known as microbes or bacteria that call that small scoop of dirt their home.
Most are beneficial, however, some are not. What we don't stop to think about is the fact that bacteria are living things and require food and water the same as ourselves. They also become much more active in warmer conditions and likewise, fairly dormant in colder conditions requiring more or less food and water respectively, more in warmer conditions, less in cold.
These little creatures are the basis of life and without them life would not exist...at least not in the way we know it. So it is safe to say, these little guys are our friends and they are really good "buds" with the plant kingdom. Well, that is most of the time. More about this in a moment. The reason that these neighbors are such good friends is because of the exchange process that is the beauty of Mother Nature. To not get really complicated here, let's just say the plants need what the bacteria makes and the bacteria needs what the plant makes...sort of like a bartering system going on down there and everyone's happy. We like to call that the "MEP" (Mutual Exchange Program).
The one thing these little guys haven't learned yet is birth control. They multiply really fast especially in warm conditions...some as fast as every 10 minutes! That calculates into many more mouths to feed that requires much more food and then those multiply again and again, etc. And now what may have been 2 billion is now 4 billion and so on. You get the picture.
Herein is where the problems lie. Just as we experience in our own lives when there are many mouths to feed and only so much food, sometimes you do things that were never intended and begin to eat whatever is available. In this case, after these little guys have consumed everything around them, they begin to munch on the roots of the plant. Now what use to be a friendly exchange have now become war and the fight for survival. It's anyone's guess as to who will win but in worst-case scenario, the plant will die. Obviously, it would seem the order of the day would be to make sure these little guys have plenty to eat to avoid that last scenario.
What is it that these little guys eat? Keeping it simple, they eat pretty much the same as humans do, only the packaging is different. Science classifies this food into two groups: macronutrients-which are the larger quantities required, and micro nutrients being the smaller consumed/needed diet. The prefix gives that away-macro meaning large and micro, like the microscope, means small or tiny.
Oblivious to most is the fact that the plant's greatest needs are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Most would agree with the last two but would replace carbon with nitrogen since that is the most commonly supplied nutrient in the world. Yes, some consider nitrogen a macro nutrient along with phosphorus, potassium and sulfur. However, our studies reveal that there are really only three macro nutrients and the rest are micro nutrients. What does a plant really want?
Out of every one hundred customers it appears that carbon and oxygen is considered a "filet mignon" being ordered forty-five percent of the time. Hydrogen, being the plant's fuel, is definitely needed but only six percent of its total intake. Nitrogen, and the rest of the micro nutrients, makeup the remaining four percent of the nutrients needed.
If nitrogen is so important as we've been made to believe, why isn't the demand for it greater and why does most research consider nitrogen a macro nutrient? Here's the secret. Given their preference, the little guys "down under" consume 5 carbon to every 1 nitrogen. Think about that. Simply put, carbon is the food source and nitrogen is the job! Sound familiar? Work a little, eat a lot! That would explain why a large food source is needed if a plant is to successfully mature and produce fruit. Instead, we've been giving it lots of work and very little food instead of a balanced meal of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen.
Up top (above the ground) plants, through the process known as photosynthesis, take in what humans breathe out, which is carbon dioxide, and convert it to carbohydrates or sugars of which it feeds itself as well as the little guys living in the basement.
That brings up the question of what part of the want ads do these little guys look for a job. That's right, these little guys aren't just mooching off the plant, they have a job to do as well. Although there are many jobs as there are many employees and to keep it simple, their main job is to "fix" nitrogen for the plant, or in simpler terms, they exchange nitrogen with the plant for food. Nitrogen is vital for survival and most all plants cannot process nitrogen in the gaseous state. Thanks to the "Mutual Exchange Program" (MEP), our basement dwellers keep everyone happy by converting nitrogen into plant consumables usually called ammonium. The now-converted nitrogen to ammonium can be absorbed by the plant's roots and is converted into carbohydrates and proteins giving the plant food and building materials while also providing additional food for the workers over at the "MEP". In a normal state, there is usually plenty of carbon present in the soil to support the workers while the construction of the plant begins.
What is in Fertilizer?
Now that you understand what's going on down there, let's talk about fertilizer. Man, realizing that plants have no ability to process nitrogen but have to have it, figured out a way to do what the workers over at the "MEP" do everyday—take nitrogen and convert it into ammonium.
Although fertilizer has changed through the years, today most fertilizers are made using the Haber-Bosch process that results in what is commonly referred to as ammonium nitrate. The Haber-Bosch process takes gaseous nitrogen, and through a very expensive process of mixing the air we breathe with methane gas (natural gas) at high temperature and pressure, produces ammonium nitrate. Logically, this process accomplishes the same thing as the "MEP" but in much greater measures. In order to get the ammonium from the processing plant, a "carrier" or "binder" is needed for the ammonium nitrate to attach itself to in order to change states so phosphates and/or potassium chloride, etc. is used. Simply put, phosphates and potassium chloride are a derivative form of salt from its kinfolk like phosphorus that provides the vehicle necessary to bring the nitrates to the plant.
Simply put, in order to give the plant usable nitrogen, it is converted to ammonium that is mixed with phosphates (salt) as a binder that converts it into what we know as fertilizer. It is usually packaged together in a dry mix of various percentages to give the grower different doses of the macro nutrients and micro nutrients needed. (Example: 6-6-6 or 10-25-10) It can also be dissolved in water for liquid applications. This process is not cheap and comes at a great expense, not only monetary, but also environmentally. We have just begun to realize the damages wrought on planet Earth.

A Humorous Story
Here is a humorous analogy that may help to better understand what we are talking about.
Spring has arrived and we're all anxious to get out our hoe and shovel and start planting our new plants. Whether a large-scale farm or a flowerbed, the situation is fairly the same. Here's what happens.
We plant the plants. We water them giving them the oxygen and hydrogen they need to survive. "Down under," (you know the little guys living in your underground condo who just got woke up from their winter nap with your incessant digging), the bacteria are slowly beginning to get back to work. They begin to eat the carbon found in the soil and drink the water as well. The plant begins taking in carbon dioxide from the air and converting it into carbohydrates, keeping a little for itself and sending the rest down the elevator to the dining hall for all the billions of basement guests. Soon all the little guys regularly make their way to the dining hall to eat. Energized by food, they're off to work at the "MEP" - taking nitrogen and "fixing" it. The plant then absorbs the newly created ammonium or in essence, amino acids, and goes to work converting that to proteins, sugar or carbohydrates. After the plant has used up the nutrients, it then disposes of it by decay and waste, which we know as shedding leaves, blooms, etc. This waste also plays a big part in the cycle of life.
Another group of the "down under guys" have the job of working at the "PWRC". (Plant Waste Recycling Center). These guys work at reducing the pile of waste into ammonia. This is toxic and un-usable to the plant so further work is required.
However, another crew moves in that works to convert the ammonia into nitrites (still un-usable) so another crew shows up to convert the nitrites back into carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other usable nutrients. This also provides food and nutrients for the workers as well as the plants. And the process begins again. It is fairly obvious why there are billions of "PWRC" workers as well as billions of "MEP" employees.
Having that understanding, it is simple to see there's not a lot of activity going on over at the "PWRC" since you just cultivated the soil to plant the new plants. Having hoed and raked all the weeds and leftover dead stuff from last year you usually haul it off to the burn pile not realizing you just put several billion "PWRC" employees out of a job. Matter of fact, they've had to cut back to just working the day shift due to lack of work. Having little to do, most of the employees are hanging around the house eating and making babies. The population is growing, actually, rather rapidly.
Meanwhile, over at the "MEP", work has begun to pile up due to a recent lighting storm (lots of nitrogen to process) and the ground has really warmed up causing a great deal of activity. Everyone's happy, there's plenty to eat and more babies are made. The cycle continues.
When you planted your plants all the workers at the "MEP" and the "PWRC" were just starting to stir. The surrounding soil contained sustainable nutrients for life to exist so not much is required during cold periods, but when the soil begins to warm, the little guys begin to get active and consume the available nutrients in the ground.
After a while, the soil has warmed up even more and the activity is breathtaking. Everyone is busy. Life is good, there is plenty to eat, lots of carbon all over town and plenty of oxygen and hydrogen (water) and with that comes more babies. Remember, birth control hasn't been thought of here yet.
A few more days pass and a crisis looms on the horizon. The food supply appears to be running low. Since there's not much activity over at the "PWRC", there's not a lot of food coming from there. The available carbon in the ground is quickly disappearing and the local news reported a story that several employees at the "MEP" had been indicted for embezzlement. It seems they had made "plant" arrangements to live on-site at the plant's new development, "Condo Nodule", since the population boom was creating way too many traffic jams to get to and from work. (rhizobia nodules) The "Condo Nodule" option package offered qualified employees' brand-new housing at the plant's new on-site location "Root Valley Estates." Included in the package were food, shelter and free utilities provided in exchange for the skills these special employees possessed. The offer was kept under wraps so as not to start a ruckus since it evidently was only offered to the "rhizobias."
The plant's new condo plan appeared to be working until it was discovered that due to the lack of food some of the workers had begun to steal resources from the "plant" and stockpiling it for themselves. What they weren't aware of was the new housing was equipped with an amazing alarm system, which detected the thefts and automatically lowered the oxygen supply to their homes and brought them under control thus solving the problem.
Summer was coming on strong and reproductions were rampant, food supplies were getting critical. The local maternity wards were overflowing with patrons so that additional rooms had to be added and retrofitted to handle the influx of pregnant moms. Food sources, severely tapped, were now critically low. Recent news coverage of the embezzlement trials inspired thoughts of self-preservation. Soon the town, now starving for food, rebelled and the local union at the "MEP" started a protest which led to an attack on the very root of its own sustenance finding the carbohydrates so desperately needed for energy to continue to survive. As with any rebellion or upheaval, the plant began to show signs of weakness and collapse.
Meanwhile topside, you come by to check on your plant's progress and notice the change. You jump in your car and run to the store for fertilizer and quickly douse the surrounding area with the clerk's recommended dosage. A few days later you come again to check on the progress and notice that the plant has fully recovered and is now exhibiting new growth and color.
Meanwhile down under, a disaster has struck!
A massive disaster has hit the town and billions are dead. News agencies were reporting live that a massive load of ammonium had been delivered to the plant, bypassing the "MEP". Billions are un-employed yet the real reason for the billions of deaths is still under investigation. Speculations point to the transportation company.
As silly as that may sound, you've just read what happens when fertilizer is applied to the ground. As was stated previously, phosphate or salt is the transportation company that delivers the ammonium to the soil. When activated with water, it dissolves into the ground and is readily absorbed by the plant thus bypassing the need for the microbes to have to "fix" nitrogen and make ammonium. This is what we've come to know as "pre-packaged food". No work involved, just heat up and serve. However, man has overlooked a few things.
Back up top, you are admiring your plant's dark new colors and growth while thinking to yourself how great a job the fertilizer has done in rescuing the plant from near doom. But in reality what has happened is the real surprise.
Tuning into the local radio station we come across a live report: "This is Joe Dirt, coming to you live at "Condo Nodule". We're here reporting live to learn what had recently caused the massive kill of billions of workers."
"We arrived here shortly after lunch and found out the whole town, who had been busy for days transporting all the dead bodies to the PWRC cremation dump, was taking off work long enough for a company picnic. What could appear as a rather morbid turn of events, revealed that the massive kill had actually helped the plant recover from its previous woes, since most of the disgruntled and hungry workers who had started the recent riots and attacks were present when the transportation company's convoy arrived and were killed."
"The details are still sketchy and the "powers that be" are reluctant to release much information. But the "dirty" gossip is that the vehicles carrying the plant's raw goods evidently lost control and overturned right at the gate of the plant due to soggy conditions. That, being blamed on the recent downpour of water creating flooding conditions and causing the transportation company's fleet to lose control of its load creating a massive chemical spill. Lab reports just now coming in are linking phosphate and potassium, otherwise known as salt, as the main killer of the dead workers."
"Speaking to a few of the party-goers a few minutes ago, they said that the plant party was expected to last through the end of the week due to lack of work and increased availability of food and drinks. The deaths which appeared at first to worry the "higher ups" causing an inter-office rumor of more layoffs, actually caused quite a stir during the middle of the celebration when the plant's press agent announced the recent posting of several thousand billion job openings and a press release detailing future expansion of the plant."
However, an eerie air still hung over the celebration because those who survived the spill knew that wasn't the first time something like that had happened and probably won't be the last! Joe Dirt reporting live at the scene.
Meanwhile back up top, an explanation is probably in order for those of you who could not decipher the previous metaphor. So here goes our version of just what took place down under.
Salt generally does not harm a plant unless it is applied directly on it such as pouring salt on the grass. Come back a couple of days later and the grass will be dead. Lightly spreading it around the plant doesn't seem to bother it and in some circumstances, improvement can be noticed. Fertilizer producers have discovered that, and so have used it as a binding agent to get their dosages of nutrients to the plant.
Here's the kicker. What you were observing as dark new color and growth was really the plant's reaction to the salt killing the little guys in the ground who had been munching on its roots. Before the fertilizer application, they were needed to work at their job of "fixing" nitrogen. But now, since fertilizer is delivered already "nitrogen fixed," all the little guys have nothing to do, yet they still have to eat. Increased warming of the soil excites even more rapid reproduction, which results in an abundance of microbes causing many little guys to go hungry since their food sources had been consumed, yet not replenished. Fertilizer is intended for the plant, not for the little guy.
Although fertilizer does possess nutrients that the plant uses, it also contains salt that tends to kill the microbes. If you wipe out half of the population with the salt of the fertilizer, at the same time give the plant nutrients and a form of nitrogen that is usable, it stands to reason that you should see results in the plant's growth. Not only does that reduce the microbe population requiring food, it also reduces the demand for food as well as water. The "little guys" drink water the same as we do, so by reducing the population of these "little guys" you effectively "free" up water that is now available for the plant to consume. Since the "little guys" eating the roots to survive now have available food previously consumed by the vast population, they will stop eating the roots and go back to eating the food the plants provide. In essence, the plant recovers and builds more roots that provide more avenues of nutrients and all that shows up "topside".
Fertilizer also contains high levels of nitrogen in the form of ammonium nitrate. As we have already established, plants do not require as much nitrogen as we have been providing. So we have a concentration of nitrates that are easily soluble so they make their way to our water sources by leaching methods, runoff, and heavy rain contributing to flooding. Whatever method, our waterways are being inundated with these nitrates which provide the same nutrients for the living things existing there, creating exponential growth. This leads to problems in our waterways such as algae bloom, etc.
The Solution
Tired, broke and frustrated farmers are looking for answers. Since we are positioned in Florida, salt-water intrusion is at a crisis stage and farmers are going bankrupt left and right. Crop failure is rampant and the future is looking pretty bleak. It's fairly obvious that something must change.
It's a known fact that fertilizer, as we presently use it, is on borrowed time. The process of making it consumes about 6% of the world's supply of energy of natural gas. Since that is a depleting source, prices for the fuel have begun to skyrocket driving up the price of fertilizer. Even if we wanted to continue to do as we've always done, we soon will not be able to afford it. If we attempt to, that will only tend to drive up the cost of food, which just keeps driving and driving and driving up everything else.
Checking in on the little guys, we learned that the plant owners, in an attempt to clean up the recent chemical spill being forced by the ENPA (Earth's Natural Protection Agency), discovered a relatively new product which not only solves the afore-mentioned problems, but will also repair and reverse the damage done to the property. You may ask how that is possible? Well, to say the least, we're glad you asked! And if you were really paying attention up to now, you already have the answer.
RSTC17 is a carbon-based product, which contains everything needed for a plant to grow and even flourish. The only component missing is water, which you provide. Water is what activates this product much the same for all fertilizer. Even though RSTC17 isn’t a fertilizer, it is considered as such by farmers. Actually, it's an Energized Carbon Nutritional Product.
If plants could talk and could tell you what they wanted, they would say carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen and then all the micro nutrients. Humans aren't much different. Carbon is the food source; water (two parts hydrogen/one part oxygen) broken down contains the oxygen for respiration and hydrogen that is the energy source. The other 4% is the plant's balancing act.
Once again, in simple terms, when RSTC17 is applied to the plant, it will give the plant a proper balance of carbon, oxygen, energy (hydrogen), plus feed the microbes (the "little guys") which results in biologically balanced soil. Where there is biologically balanced soil, you will find superior quality crop yields, which are usually free of disease and insects.
RSTC17 will also significantly reduce the harmful chemicals introduced to our water resources. Evidence shows that you will use less nitrogen, phosphates and potassium than the fertilizer industry normally recommends. CarbonWorks products will clean the impurities and toxins out of the environment. The environment will return back to its natural state and the natural functions of the ecosystem will take place.
Checking in on the "Little Guys"
Before we leave, it wouldn't be fair to you, as well as them, if we don't check on the "little guys" at the PWRC and the MEP. Arriving at the scene we are shocked at what we find.
If you recall the last time here, the town was cleaning up a major chemical spill ordered by the ENPA. Picking up from there, It seems one of the ENPA inspectors mentioned to one of the "young sprouts" at the plant about a new "fix" getting rave reviews for helping in situations such as this. The young sprout immediately ran to the senior partners and told them of his findings. "I have never heard of such and granddaddy didn't do it that way so there's no way we're gonna try it." responded the elder. He continued, "Besides, how do we know it will work and how "in earth" could we afford it along with all our other costs?" Sitting down in his chair, the senior partner picked up the phone and ordered another load of ammonium to replace the other already gone.
However, with his mind fully set on the prize of sitting at the top, the young sprout left the office to seek out the inspector. He knew something had to be done and, well, if it meant losing his place at the plant, he wasn't going to sit around and watch this scenario happen all over again. Finding the inspector talking to George over at the root plant, he sided up to him and whispered how he might get hold of the "fix." The inspector said he would have to get in touch with his supplier (George) and they could set up a meeting but they had to keep in under wraps. Seems the transportation company had heard their services were being threatened by this mystery "fix" and had hired a few saboteurs to discredit the claims of the product.
The meeting was set to go down at the PWRC the next day. Due to the sensitivity of the area, with all the dead bodies and such, the new sprout suggested that might be the best area to meet. The ENPA had quarantined the contamination dump due to the massive amount of the ammonium-laded bodies saturated with the hazardous substance, to try and figure out a way to salvage the nutrients from the spill's effect.
Due to the ENPA's lack of staff, it was fairly easy to get inside. The young sprout having been exposed to the spill himself, told the rep that he was willing to be the guinea pig. Since the "fix" could be injected, taken orally, or topical, the young sprout took a little and applied it to himself. Seeing and feeling the reaction, he dumped the whole bottle on his head in celebration spilling it all over the dead bodies of his fallen comrades. All of a sudden, like magic they noticed that the solution to the ENPA's problem was happening in front of their eyes. As they watched, the nutrients that had become bound together with the salt from the chemical spill suddenly became energized and began to flow upwards to the plant. The young sprout, realizing the experiment was soon to be discovered when all those released nutrients made its way to the plant and how different he looked and felt, reached over and dumped the whole "tote' out. He felt proud and scared at the same time knowing he would either be a hero or dead leaf.
The senior execs, scheduled for an on-site meeting with the transportation company to review the progress of the cleanup, were riding along in the company's limo on the way to the site. Due to the bravery of the little sprout, the product had made its way through the neighborhood and was approaching the site as well. Arriving at the same time, the execs climbing out of the limo, saw first-hand the transformation as the product made its way across the spill site approaching the plant's main elevator shafts. Releasing vast amounts of energy and food from buried, hidden sources in the ground from previous spills, the execs could not believe their eyes. Not only was the available resources released from the site area, the stock-piled food suddenly available had caused a mass convergence on the scene with billions of workers gorging themselves with the much needed food. Not understanding why, and as they watched, the workers acted as though they became super-energized and began to work feverishly as never before. One of the soft-spoken seniors at the firm quietly said, "Our eyes have been opened to something we can not really understand, but it's working. Who ever is responsible for this deserves a promotion as CEO of this plant."
Weeks later, the young sprout, now grown into a nice comfortable position at the top of the plant due to what has now been termed, "super juice," gets up to take the next elevator down to check on the happy workers. As he reaches the bottom floor and steps out of the elevator, he is greeted by a thunderous applause from the billions of workers happily employed there.
Humbled by their praise, he raises his hand to quiet the audience. "Fellow workers, I want to say thanks for all your hard work over the past several weeks. This plant has never looked better, felt better, and produced the volume it is now producing. Thanks to "super juice," we do not have to worry about any more chemical spills threatening our livelihood. Thanks to RSTC17 we don't have to worry about the depletion of our natural resources as well as continued reclamation of the previous chemical spills. Thanks to you for coming out in greater numbers than ever to provide the work force needed to keep this and future expansions of this plant moving forward. It is our intention to provide you and your family a safe and happy home for you to work and play here at "Condo Nodule Manufacturing Plant."
Usually THE END is positioned here, however, this is a never-ending story...!